Tuesday 3 May 2016

Place Causative : War place, Police Department, Technical dept, Hot spots, Furnaces and so on.

Reason : War Place : Planet Mars has colossal vitality to decimate. Likewise at the war places tremendous measure of bombs, unstable, arm and emmunitions are required which have vitality and fore inside them. They annihilate intensely. Both the celebrated at war place utilize their energy to win, however it prompts distruction. So is the vitality of Mars. So Mars is the causative of War Place.

Police Department : Mars has the property to manage, oversee and shield. So are the work of Police Department so Police Department go under the causative of Mars.

Specialized Department : Mars the is store of Mars vitality. For performing specialized works bunches of vitality is required. So all such places where mass vitality is required, gone under impact of planet Mars.

Spots of high Temperature : As the planet Mars is exceptionally hot, so all such places where the temperature is high similar to furnates, boilers, trasforemers and so on go under the impact of Mars.

Promising Results : When the Mars is in valuable position, the local gets great and ideal results through these spots.

Ominous Results : When Mars planet is not in ideal position the locals gets misfortunes, hurts and so forth from such places.

Authore : VaastuVidhya

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