T-Junction in various directions
1. T-Junction at North -
If T-Junction is in the center of North direction of
plot, then it’s effect is auspicious on the plot. The construction of house on
such plots will have auspicious results.
2. T-Junction at North-North-East –
If the road in the North of a house ends at the
North-East corner of the house, then it is an auspicious situation. Such plots
provide enormous pleasures to the residents of the house. These houses also
have an effect on the women in the house in a positive manner. The whole house
is pervaded with pleasure, peace and prosperity.
3. T-Junction at North-North-West –
This situation is
inauspicious.The road to the North direction of the house ending at North-West
of the house has a negative effect. People in such houses lag behind in every
field like education, health, family, etc.
4. T-Junction at East –
The road ending at the center of a plot in East direction
is an auspicious position. If the width of this road is either equal or more
than that of the house, then it is better.
5. T-Junction at East-North-East –
If the road in the East of a house ends at the North-East
corner of the house, then it is an auspicious situation. Such plots provide
enormous reputation and profits for institutions controlled by men. There will
also be ample quantity of wealth in such houses.
6. T-Junction at East-South-East –
If the road in the
East of a house ends at the South-East corner of the house, then it is an
inauspicious situation. Such houses always face scarcity of wealth.
Greediness is found in man’s nature besides the negative effect on the health
of women.
7. T-Junction at South - If the road is in the
South of a plot, then it is an auspicious situation. Houses constructed on such
plots are appropriate for commercial purpose. On the contrary, it is not
auspicious for residing purpose.
8. T-Junction at South-South-East –
If the road in the
South of a house ends at the South-East corner of the house, then it is an
auspicious situation. Residents of such houses are always happy and prosperous.
The occassions of happiness frequently occur in such houses. The financial
condition as well as reputation of residents remain vigorous.
9. T-Junction at South-South-West –
If the road in the
South of a house ends at the South-West corner of the house, then it is an
inauspicious situation. This situation causes negative effects. Tension and
animosity among family members are the features of this situation. Bad
financial condition is another aspect of this situation. The health of women
also get affected.
10. T-Junction at West –
If the road is in the West of a house, then it is an auspicious
situation. Such plot is good for construction of a house. The residents of such
houses will always get auspicious results.
11. T-Junction at West-South-West –
If the road in the West of a house ends at the South-West
corner of the house, then it is an inauspicious situation. The males of family
are severely affected by this situation. Immoral character may also develop in
the males of the house. The financial situation is also not very good.
12. T-Junction at West-North-West -
If the road in the West of a house ends at the North-West corner of the
house, then it is an auspicious situation. Males residing in such houses
constantly progress in business. They earn good reputation. Also the leadership
qualities of males residing in such houses are extra-ordinarily good. Hence
such a house is ideal for politicians.