Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Place Causative : Watery places. Milk Parlors, dairies, hill station, cool places.

Reason : Watery Places : There is a coolness and calmness in Moon’s nature and where there is water there is calmness. So all places like pond, well, water tank, water keeping places are under effect of Moon.
Milk Dairy : The colour of Moon is white and so is the colour of milk. So milk. ghee, mawa are causative of Moon.
Hill Station : Calm and cool place. Nature of Moon is calm. So all places which are cool are under area of Moon like hill station, frozen area, freezes etc.
Auspicious Results : Feeling of pleasure on such places.
Inauspicious Results : Chances of accidents and losses on visiting such places.
Author : VaastuVidhya

Comprehensiveness of Feng Shui

Feng Shui is such an arrangement which can be implemented everywhere. That is why it is all pervading. In Feng Shui, Chi energy is the concept of life. In the traditional Chinese medical science Chi is accepted as the crux of life. A man’s age and health depends on the quantity and quality of this Chi. In China a young and healthy person is called full with Chi energy. Those who are weak and old are said to be lacking in Chi and deads are said to possess no Chi. In Feng Shui Chi energy is geographical element. It is present in the Earth and exists in plains and mountains in the form of streams. This Chi energy is different from a Man’s Chi energy. 

1.Mountain - In Feng Shui mountains are the chief carriers of Chi energy. Feng Shui accepts mountains as dragons. In Chinese culture dragon is an imaginative auspicious creature. Mountains play two main roles. Firstly, they circulate their internal Chi energy and transfer it to various places so that those places may become lucky for the residents and secondly, they protect a place from fast winds, storms, tornados etc so that the Chi energy and residents of that place may be safe.
2. Water - In Feng Shui water is taken as a symbol of wealth and presence of water is necessary in an ideal place for a house. In Feng Shui, Shui means water. Just as in hilly areas height, forms, raveness of a mountain are important in the flow of Chi energy, similarly in plains water is important. In Feng Shui water is significant in two ways. First, it creates wealth and second it protects Chi-energy from being flown away by wind. Normally the bigger the construction area, place of water must also be big in the same proportion.
3. Wind - Feng Shui believes that wind blow away Chi energy. The faster the wind blows the more harmful it is. Athough effect of Wind is not bad always. In summer the cool air is very important for the people, whereas fast blowing winter wind is harmful. Wind is generally rejected by Feng Shui. That is why for protection from ill effects of fast blowing wind houses must be built in places surrounded by mountains or near a source of water. 

4. Land - An auspicious piece of land is said to be bed of dragon in Feng Shui, i.e. the place where dragon rests. This place has Chi energy in sufficient measure. This sence is like a accupressure point of body. At this point energy of body’s energy accumulates. Due to imbalance of energy at this place, health related problems can crop up. Similarly by distrubing the balance of energy’s place in the land inauspicious effect on the people living there cannot be ruled out. In Feng Shui pieces of land have been classified according to their situation and form. On this earth, in all countries situation of places of energy is identical.

5. Earth (Soil) - In Feng Shui the sight of building construction is no doubt important but earth too has its own significance. According to science quality of earth directely affects the strength and stability of the building to be constructed. In Feng Shui earth has been compared to human body. Water is like blood, rocks are like bones. Soil or earth is like muscles. As blood circulation is in the muscles not in bones, hence land with too many rocks or stones is not considered good. Land where roots of trees go very deep  is also not good. Good quality soil should be solid but also moist. It must be clean, free from pollution and yellow or red in colour.

6. Direction and Situation - In the world directions are determined everywhere for everybody uniformly. At every place, what is situated towards right or left, in front or rear, what can be seen there from all these things affect the place. Shape of land direction of forms of land are also important, e.g. the direction of flow of river or the direction of  mountain ranges, etc. On the basis of these a house can be auspicious or inauspicious. Direction of the main gate of the house also has its significance.

7. Time - Continuous change is a main quality of time. This is also the attribute of Feng Shui. The entire universe together with people and earth are in a state of definite chage. As Feng Shui is an art for the welfare of the people, hence man plays central role in Feng Shui. This has been defined in three fates of a man. In Feng Shui done for any house or business, the date of birth of that house or business has its effect. Just as Feng Shui is used for internal and external environment of a house e.g. kitchen, bedroom, drawing room, study etc. Their directions, colour, decoration etc are arranged as per Feng Shui. In the same manner proper time of entry into a house or business their construction are also decided by Feng Shui.

Author : VaastuVidhya

Monday, 30 May 2016


T-Junction in various directions

1. T-Junction at North -  
If T-Junction is in the center of North direction of plot, then it’s effect is auspicious on the plot. The construction of house on such plots will have auspicious results.

2. T-Junction at North-North-East
If the road in the North of a house ends at the North-East corner of the house, then it is an auspicious situation. Such plots provide enormous pleasures to the residents of the house. These houses also have an effect on the women in the house in a positive manner. The whole house is pervaded with pleasure, peace and prosperity.

3. T-Junction at North-North-West
 This situation is inauspicious.The road to the North direction of the house ending at North-West of the house has a negative effect. People in such houses lag behind in every field like education, health, family, etc.

4. T-Junction at East
The road ending at the center of a plot in East direction is an auspicious position. If the width of this road is either equal or more than that of the house, then it is better.

5. T-Junction at East-North-East
If the road in the East of a house ends at the North-East corner of the house, then it is an auspicious situation. Such plots provide enormous reputation and profits for institutions controlled by men. There will also be ample quantity of wealth in such houses.
6. T-Junction at East-South-East
If the road in the East of a house ends at the South-East corner of the house, then it is an inauspicious situation. Such houses always face  scarcity of wealth. Greediness is found in man’s nature besides the negative effect on the health of women.
7. T-Junction at South - If the road is in the South of a plot, then it is an auspicious situation. Houses constructed on such plots are appropriate for commercial purpose. On the contrary, it is not auspicious for residing purpose.
8. T-Junction at South-South-East
If the road in the South of a house ends at the South-East corner of the house, then it is an auspicious situation. Residents of such houses are always happy and prosperous. The occassions of happiness frequently occur in such houses. The financial condition as well as reputation of residents remain vigorous.
9. T-Junction at South-South-West
If the road in the South of a house ends at the South-West corner of the house, then it is an inauspicious situation. This situation causes negative effects. Tension and animosity among family members are the features of this situation. Bad financial condition is another aspect of this situation. The health of women also get affected.
10. T-Junction at West
If the road is in the West of a house, then it is an auspicious situation. Such plot is good for construction of a house. The residents of such houses will always get auspicious results.
11. T-Junction at West-South-West
If the road in the West of a house ends at the South-West corner of the house, then it is an inauspicious situation. The males of family are severely affected by this situation. Immoral character may also develop in the males of the house. The financial situation is also not very good.

12. T-Junction at West-North-West -
If the road in the West of a house ends at the North-West corner of the house, then it is an auspicious situation. Males residing in such houses constantly progress in business. They earn good reputation. Also the leadership qualities of males residing in such houses are extra-ordinarily good. Hence such a house is ideal for politicians.

Author : VaastuVidhya

Friday, 27 May 2016

Veda is called as Shruti in Indian literature. In ancient time our culture was incorporated in all the literature available.

Astrology is called as the eyes of Veda. Eye is related to seeing. Thus astrology is aimed to see the events that happen which could be past, present or future. On individual basis astrology helps in knowing various events that may happen in a person's life from birth to death. It also helps to forecast auspicious and inauspicious situations that may occur in a native's life.

Formation of astrolg - Astrology is formed on the basis of effects of planets and constellations on human beings. Astrology thus aims on studying various incidents that occur in human's life. As human beings are very inquisitive in nature and everybody is very much interested to know what is going to happen next in their life so astrology has become an important tool helping people know their future.

Astrology - a science or an Art - Astrology is a science because it has strong basis that are based on heavenly bodies in which is universal and can be applied everywhere. It has very strong foundation that is related to stars and planets and their effects on individual. It has very logical base where events could be predicted in a very systematic and pre-calculated manner. Science is based on logical calculations which are of universal nature and can be applied everywhere with the same logic. For development calculation of day and night, months, years, time and position of stars, planets and constellations on a said time is required. So astrology is perfect mathematical, geometrical and scientific through which it shall be calculated perfectly. A very common yet very powerful example of this speculation of sunrise of various cities everyday. Perfect calculation of eclipse, full Moon, no Moon, etc. thus form a very important part of mathematical astrology. It is very much related to astronomy which studies planets.

Due to mathematical calculations involved in astrology many almanacs are printed which helps people in their day to day life. Thus astrology is definitely a science which could prove to be very useful for people in their day to day life.   

Astrology-an art -Astrology is an art also.The work of art is to present in a statement,any work in a simplified and easy to understand that. Astrology also performs the same task. It presents a native's personality and tradition and a very attractive, easy and accurate way.
Thus astrology is an art and a science both and we are its part. If we assume astrology as an art then it will fulfill it by its nature of predicting events and applying its principles to partly safeguard oneself with the intensity of inauspicious events that may happen in future and as a science as events that will happen cannot be changed and will occur in its due course of time.

There are three main pillars of Indian astrology which are Hora, Siddhanta and Samhita. It can further be divided into two more parts as question and Shakun. With all this aspects calculation can be done.

Author : VaastuVidhya

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Introduction to the Tarot

In the earlier days, at whatever point there were answers required for everyday inquiries then numerous techniques were utilized by individuals. One of the exceptionally prevalent technique was tossing a coin. A coin was hurled and it was said that if Head comes then the local should accomplish something and if Tail comes then the local will accomplish something other or inverse. In India numerous individuals utilized profound books like Ramayana, Geeta, and so on for the same. They used to serenade God's name and open the book. At that point the page that comes is perused completely and in view of the importance of that page choices were taken. Likewise, one all the more extremely prevalent technique in India is soliciting newborn children to touch any from the fingers that senior citizens appear. Individuals used to think ahead of time what finger will bring for what result. The finger that newborn child touches is the answer. Correspondingly there might be numerous such strategies for which we are uninformed.

These strategies however are most likely result situated yet they are not sorted out legitimately. Likewise, they can give answers just to the degree of Yes or No or determination from a few decisions. Notwithstanding, there are numerous techniques that are a great deal more progressed, intense and exact than the above strategies. Like inquiry horoscope in Vedic Astrology, I-Ching in Chinese Feng Shui, Kabala arrangement of numbers, African divination techniques, Ramal arrangement of Vedic beginning, and so forth. One of these strategies incorporate Tarot Reading too.

The source of the Tarot is a puzzle. Notwithstanding, it is accepted to be an exceptionally old and powerful technique.The sources of Tarot are secretive as much as the cards themselves. One hypothesis recommends that they started in China and some credit it to the elusive Schools of Philosophy of antiquated Egypt. The Gypsies used to tell fortune taking into account cards. India is a conceivable origination and it is possible that the 4 suits of the Minor Arcana could allude to the 4 ranks of Hinduism i.e. Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra.

Numerous deductions have been recommended for the name Tarot. It might originate from the Latin word rota (wheel) which is a re-arranged word of Tarot. The Egyptian word Ta-rosh signifies 'the illustrious way'. Its Hebrew starting point considers it to be a defilement of the torah, the book of the law. Tar is the Gypsy word for a deck of cards.

Author : VaastuVidhya

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Parts of body/Diseases

Backache, pain in arms, wrists and heart-problems are common in Leo natives. Blood related problems, pain in bones, fever, jaundice and vision problems are other diseases seen in these natives. 

Area of work - These natives can be educationists, psychologists, politicians etc. They have sharp intellect, which makes them good teachers or scholars. They are an asset to the country. They are good at trading also-especially eatable items.

Such natives can be found as chairmen of various organisations, boards, managers. In industries also they occupy high offices, apart from political posts. They scale great heights in their favorite areas not only in their own countries but are acknowledged across the world.

They are well known in small scale industries and cottage industries. Other areas where they excel are agricultural industries, animal husbandry, poultry farms, fruit gardening etc. In each area one has to face profit and loss but Leo natives do not bother about such things. They are dare devils and believe in marching forward.

Leo natives can be religious leader, great social reformers, advocates etc. They are not afraid of fights of disputes.

They can also be famous writers, dramatists, novelists. Film producers and music directors as well as poets. Their imagination knows no limit. If they take to writing novels –their  writing are appreciated by the readers. They take a dip in the sea of imagination and come out with pearls. Many of them are famous film makers. In brief they are highly successful and respected lot in all walks of life.

Author : VaastuVidhya

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Solar system

The basis of astrology is related to Solar system. Our ancient saints have developed their inner consciousness to a great extent through meditation and yogic sciences. Due to the development of inner consciousness they could receive the divine knowledge. After meditating and deep thinking on this divine knowledge they could visualise the solar system in their minds.

With their understanding of solar system they were able to form relation of other planets with Earth. They could also feel the impact of Sun and Moon on earth and human beings. On the basis of this relation the nine planets, the twelve months, the time system, etc. were formed. This knowledge got more systematic and deeper.

Sun is taken as a centre of this universe. Other than Sun six other planets that are Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn were taken into account. Rahu and ketu are two points were considered to be shadow planets. The relation of these planets with Earth and people living on Earth were formed and it became a deep study. Since Sun is not planet but a start and Earth is a planet but for convenience Sun is taken to be a planet for easy calculation and Earth is not taken into this equation. This made all astrological calculations easier. Thus, nine planets were formed. It is believed that when a native is born then the effect of these planets is bestowed on that native based on the position of planets in the sky at the time of birth of the native.

Solar system or the whole cosmos is taken to be a circle. As you already know that each circle has 360°. It is also called as Bha-Chakra. All the planets, constellations, stars and all heavenly bodies are situated in this Bha-chakra. It will be very difficult to identify a particular place in such a big area. So this circle is divided into twelve parts. Since the circle has 360° so dividing it into twelve parts will make each part equal to 30°. This part which measures to 30° is called as houses in astrology. Thus there are twelve houses in each horoscope.

Author : VaastuVidhya

Monday, 23 May 2016


Symbol                       :           Thunder

Relation in family      :           Eldest son

Direction                    :           East 

Element                     :           Wood 

Colour                        :           Green 

Season                       :           Spring 

Part of body              :           Leg, throat 

Disease                      :           Hysteria, Contortion, Shivering 

Number                     :           3

Eastern place is the place of active energy. It’s symbol is thunder and season is spring. Here energy is sharp and active. Element of this direction is wood. Colour of wood element is green. The family member of this place is the eldest son. Like the young son, energy too is powerful. Sun rises in the East, likewise energy of this place is full of freshness. For the jobs, which need activeness, rooms in the Eastern part of the house are ideal. Eastern part of the house are suitable for office, outs of personal hobbies, morning breakfast. For those, who have initiated new work or enterprise, rooms of Eastern part are good. The energy of this direction helps in achieving new horizons, development and fulfilment of dreams.
The place of thunder is further related to elderly people, parents, officers and seniors. Imbalance of this place creates problems of relations with elders, parents, officers and seniors. This place is called thunder because anger and thunder of elders keeps a man in discipline and he is benefited by their experience and guidance.
Author : VaastuVidhya