Thursday, 31 March 2016

Feng Shui Top 5 aspects which Effects in Human Being

FengShui might have been born in China but it applies extensively throughout the world. Hence rules and systems of Feng Shui are omnipresent and have same effect everywhere and this is universality of Feng Shui. Some main items like mountains, water, wind, direction and time are such that they have their effect in all places. These points are briefly discussed below.
1. Mountain
In Feng Shui mountains are the chief carriers of Chi energy. Feng Shui accepts mountains as dragons. In Chinese culture dragon is an imaginative auspicious creature. Mountains play two main roles. Firstly, they circulate their internal Chi energy and transfer it to various places so that those places may become lucky for the residents and secondly, they protect a place from fast winds, storms, tornados etc so that the Chi energy and residents of that place may be safe.
In Feng Shui, mountain is mainly like a dragon, but many other forms have also been accepted. All there forms have earthly importance. There are approximately 200 figures like Ox, Tiger, Lion, Dog, Wolf, Bear, Eagle, Horse, Tortoise etc. Apart from animals mountains of plants and human figure have also been mentioned in Feng Shui. These shapes disclose the geomantic significance hidden in the form of land. All these forms are equally effective all over the world
2. Water
In Feng Shui water is taken as a symbol of wealth and presence of water is necessary in an ideal place for a house. In Feng Shui, Shui means water. Just as in hilly areas height, forms, raveness of a mountain are important in the flow of Chi energy, similarly in plains water is important. In Feng Shui water is significant in two ways. First, it creates wealth and second it protects Chi-energy from being flown away by wind. Normally the bigger the construction area, place of water must also be big in the same proportion. That is why many big cities of the world were constructed on the banks of rives or on sea sides. For instance Shanghai, Nanking, Hongkong in China and Mumbai, Chennai, New York, London, Rome, Sydney, San francisco, Dublin, Lisbon and other cities are situated on sea shores. All these cities are examples of universality of Feng Shui.
Water is important because it has the capacity to absorb the cosmic Chi energy. One source of Water either stops energy from flowing away or reduces the speed of out flowing energy water and mountain are able to contains the Chi energy at the same place. In their absence Wind takes away the Chi energy. Hence in an ideal house construction sight both mountain and water must exist. This applies to all the places in the world.
3. Wind
Feng Shui believes that wind blow away Chi energy. The faster the wind blows the more harmful it is. Although effect of Wind is not bad always. In summer the cool air is very important for the people, whereas fast blowing winter wind is harmful. Wind is generally rejected by Feng Shui. That is why for protection from ill effects of fast blowing wind houses must be built in places surrounded by mountains or near a source of water.
4. Land
An auspicious piece of land is said to be bed of dragon in Feng Shui, i.e. the place where dragon rests. This place has Chi energy in sufficient measure. This sense is like a acupressure point of body. At this point energy of body’s energy accumulates. Due to imbalance of energy at this place, health related problems can crop up. Similarly by disturbing the balance of energy’s place in the land inauspicious effect on the people living there cannot be ruled out. In Feng Shui pieces of land have been classified according to their situation and form. On this earth, in all countries situation of places of energy is identical.
5. Earth (Soil)
In Feng Shui the sight of building construction is no doubt important but earth too has its own significance. According to science quality of earth directly affects the strength and stability of the building to be constructed. In Feng Shui earth has been compared to human body. Water is like blood, rocks are like bones. Soil or earth is like muscles. As blood circulation is in the muscles not in bones, hence land with too many rocks or stones is not considered good. Land where roots of trees go very deep is also not good. Good quality soil should be solid but also moist. It must be clean, free from pollution and yellow or red in colour
Author : Vaastu Vidhya